February 2022 Edmonton Market Stats Update

Below you will find Edmonton's residential housing market statistics for February 2022, including months of inventory; average days on market; average and median sale price; and the sales to new listing ratio for single family dwellings, condos, and duplexes; as well as HACK&Co's Hot & Cold Neighbourhood lists. 


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Cheryl loves to help people and has a passion for real estate. With 10 years of sales experience, 10 years mortgage broker experience, and being a real estate investor for the past 20 years, she knows how scary it can be buying not only your first home but investment properties too. A mortgage is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life and her goal is to make it as easy on you as possible.

Mortgage rates are going up! If you're looking to buy, make sure to lock in your rate as soon as possible. Click below to get in contact with Cheryl

Want More Information?

If you would like more detailed information on the Greater Edmonton Area market, or detailed information for a specific neighbourhood, give us a call or send a quick text and we'll be happy to send that over!

🔥 HACK&Co’s Hot & Cold Lists ❄️

Hot List 🔥

HACK&Co's Hot List includes houses and neighbourhoods that are in hot demand but difficult to find in the market currently. If you or someone you know lives on a property that matches these lists, it may be a good time to think about selling while they're still hot! 

Watch to find out which properties are hot! ⬇️


Cold List ❄️

On the flip side, HACK&Co's cold list is a list of property types and neighbourhoods that are sitting on the market. These properties are great for buyers looking for a good deal.

Watch to find out which property types are cold! ⬇️


📅 Months of Inventory

Months of inventory refers to how long it would take to sell the whole inventory of residential homes in Edmonton if they continued to sell at the current pace, provided no new listings came to the market. With 0-3 months of inventory, Edmonton would be considered a sellers market as properties would sell quickly. Between 3-4 months would be considered a balanced market, and 4+ months of inventory would be a buyer's market where buyers have more negotiating power.


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📆 Days on Market

Days on market can affect a few things. The longer your home stays on the market, the less perceived value it has to new buyers, which could lower the sale price. It can also be used to gauge the housing market.

February 2022

January 2022


🏷 Average/Median Sale Price

It is good practice to measure both average and median sale prices, as any outlying high-priced or low-priced property can skew the data of the the average sale price. 

Average Sale Price

Median Sale Price


📈 Sales to New Listing Ratio

The Sales to New Listing Ratio tells us the frequency of opportunity.

February 2022

December 2021


Need Help Deciding When to Take the Plunge?

Our experts would be happy to help you and your family determine the right time to buy or sell in this market 🏡

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